Swetha over at DNGear.com just keeps on selling .xyz domain names. Today she rang the register on Decent.xyz for $7,888 and Edify.xyz for $2,995. I think that’s a great price for edify. No other extension even has a sale with the exact keyword edify. Another recent sale was Boundless.xyz for $4,995, what I found interesting […]
Continue ReadingDrop.xyz sells for $30,000 highest reported .xyz of 2021
Drop.xyz sold for $30,000 at DAN.com. The domain name looks to have been sold by a domain investor out of Dubai. They hold some other generic one word .xyz domain names. This the highest reported .xyz domain name sale of 2021 ahead of 2 sales from DNGear.com, Beacon.xyz at $24,888 and Genesis.xyz at $21,399. Congrats […]
Continue ReadingQueen of .xyz hits another five figure .xyz sale
Swetha from DNGear.com hit another five figure .xyz out of the park. Spectrum.xyz sold for $10,000. Recently she sold Beacon.xyz for $24,888. In April she sold Genesis.xyz for $21,399. Spectrum.xyz was on a Squadhelp landing page. Genesis sold at Squadhelp. Congrats to Swetha on another .xyz sale.
Continue ReadingQueen of .XYZ posts 7 sales today, led by Ryan.xyz
Swetha from DNGear.com posted 7 .xyz sales today, the highest being Ryan.xyz. ryan.xyz 5,888 USD minty.xyz 2,400 USD endocrinology.xyz 900 USD seotools.xyz 500 USD seoexperts.xyz 500 USD seoguru.xyz 500 USD seoservices.xyz 500 USD Nice to see Swetha continue to post results month in and month out. Congrats.
Continue ReadingThe hits just keep coming for .Xyz Queen as Patron.xyz sells at DAN
What’s new? Another day, another .xyz sale for Swetha at DNGear.com. This time it’s Patron.xyz it sold at DAN for $9,888. Yesterday it was Beacon.xyz.
Continue ReadingQueen of .xyz reports her highest .xyz sale to date – Beacon.xyz
Swetha from DNGear.com continues to kick butt with the .xyz extension. Today she tweeted out she sold Beacon.xyz for $24,888. I believe this is her highest ever reported .xyz sale. It’s the 17th highest reported .xyz of all time. Beacon is an investment firm focused on crypto companies and DAOs globally. Last month she sold […]
Continue Reading.Xyz Queen does it again with Decentral.xyz
It’s interesting how some people just continue to be the prevalent seller in a specific non com extension. Swetha from DNGear does it again with .xyz selling Decentral.xyz for $9,888. An inbound sale using the new Afternic landers. The buyer Gödel Labs is a blockchain venture studio. It redirects to Goedel.ai. In April, Swetha sold […]
Continue ReadingClubhouse also acquired the .xyz
James Iles confirmed that Clubhouse the popular audio app acquired Clubhouse.com. Earlier in April Swetha from DNGear.com reported she sold Clubhouse.xyz for $4,995. At the time the domain resolved to a marketplace landing page. The .com and .xyz have moved to Namecheap. Now Clubhouse.xyz points to Clubhouse.com, so they did acquire the .xyz as well. […]
Continue ReadingQueen of .xyz back with another 5 sales including Clubhouse.xyz
Swetha at DnGear.com just keeps hitting the .xyz sales ball. Protocol.xyz sold for $ 8000 ClubHouse.xyz sold for $ 4995 Blox.xyz sold for $ 3995 SwitchBoard.xyz sold for $2995 Tora.xyz sold for $2750. Swetha explained her .xyz journey in an interview last year. 12 days ago she announced 6 sales that included Genesis.xyz for $21,399.
Continue ReadingThe Queen of .xyz keeps the sales train moving with 6 more .xyz sales
The Queen of .xyz has been active the last week in selling .xyz domain names. Swetha added another 6 to the mix. Genesis.xyz Squadhelp This becomes the 20th highest sale of all time. 21,399 USDLynch.xyz 3250 usdUndefined.xyz 3495 usdWorkspaces.xyz 1100 usdSplit.xyz 7888 usd @GoDaddyNightShift.xyz 1000 usd @TheDomainAgents Swetha explained her .xyz journey in an interview […]
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