Efty put up a blog post today that they are starting the rollout of Efty Pay. The onboarding process starts today for current Efty subscribers. I know many who have been looking for forward to this. I know Doron and his team have been working on this for a long time. I wish them success with Efty Pay.
From the blog post:
Today, we’re opening our onboarding process and “Bring Your Sale” for our valued Efty Investor subscribers. If you have an active Efty Investor subscription, you can sign up, create your Efty Pay account, and initiate a transaction by importing a negotiated lead today. This will set the stage for a groundbreaking transaction experience and give the first sneak peek of the Efty Pay platform.
Click here to create your Efty Pay account, or navigate to https://app.efty.com/efty-pay/setup/
Learn how to initiate an Efty Pay transaction via Efty Investor from our knowledge base here.
Some important notes:
- In this first phase of our rollout, we support buyer payments via Wire transfers.
- Successful sales are processed at an introductory commission percentage of only 3.5%
- Efty Pay supports transactions in USD, EUR, and GBP.
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