I have a couple friends who I chat with regularly that when I write a long article and ask them what they think? It’s always, “Oh great article dude” and when it’s a long article 1500 to 2500 words I know they did not read it all. They liked the headline and the opening few lines. They are who TL;DR was invented for.
I think due to short attention spans and possibly multitasking that people gloss over articles and podcasts and videos.
Andrew at DomainNameWire.com did a very informative podcast (at least in my opinion) with Paul Nicks of GoDaddy.
There were four comments on the blog post, a couple which took shots at Paul and a couple that talked about verifying domain names across platforms.
What I was surprised at, was no one mentioned the most newsworthy part of the podcast.
The whole podcast is worth listening to, but if you want to just tune in for the news, it’s at the 24 minute mark.
Andrew brings up DAN and asks Paul
- 24:02 – Andrew Allemann asks: “I think we’re going to a point where Dan doesn’t exist, right?“
- 24:21 – Paul Nicks replies: “Yeah, absolutely.“
- 24:40 – Paul Nicks continues: “We don’t need to run two separate brands, so we are trying to get everything, all the technology and all the things that we acquired, into Afternic because that is our seller brand, that’s our investor brand. We don’t need two of them.“
Andrew also brought up Lease-To-Own. Listening to Paul it seems like the juice is worth the squeeze. If you are doing LTO it’s worth listening to what Paul had to say there.
Now this is being discussed at Namepros and for those who did not listen to the podcast, they broke the news. Apparently a DAN.com rep told the posted that the site was not shutting down. But Paul Nicks stated it publicly, anyone, anywhere in the world can hear it. This is not a SECRET!
Listen to the podcast on Domain Name Wire
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Those who didn’t realize this obviously just didn’t want to because its what godaddy has done with everything they’ve purchased.
Afternic is being run horribly, $10k offers being responded to after 4-5 days, delays, and poor, and understaffed brokers, sorry but it’s the truth. Dan leaving will hurt Godaddy brand with domain investors.
Q: What happens to domain names after GoDaddy phases out Dan.com and Paul Nicks leaves?
A: They all go to AfterNicks… AfterDan is no more!
Afternic is not at ExpiredDomains.net, how do I browse domains by their caracteristics? Why they killed GD Auctions?
Folks, this is why the anti-trust laws need to be enforced more zealously. The U.S. Department of Justice should _NEVER_ have allowed GoDaddy to acquire DAN given that GoDaddy already owned DAN’s primary competitor, AfterNic.
Dan users defected to Atom.
GoDaddy might try to buy Atom (Squadhelp) next.
What? Am I understanding this correctly: They buy Dan and then drop him like a hot potato? This is really a disgusting thing. I hope that Dan becomes independent again. I really like Dan & the design of the sales pages 🙁
Greets, Franny
I thought Paul Nicks got fired from Godaddy?
No new position.
They are killing Dan by not allowing Fast Transfer.
Good tactic.
I am sorry for Dan:(
Sad to hear that.