eBanking.com was left to expire and dropped, caught by DropCatch and closed at $56,939. The domain name was owned by BGL BNP Paribas out of Luxembourg.
Registered in 1998 it looks like the expiration date was in March so not sure why it took this long to drop.
According to DotDb ebanking is registered in 71 extensions.
Namebio shows three reported 7 figure e prefix domain name sales. One this year, eBike.com which followed the same playbook. Expired, caught at DropCatch and sold for $71,938.
ebet.com | 1,350,000 USD | 2013-10-23 | Private |
ebike.com | 1,008,900 USD | 2021-06-24 | Buckley Media |
eflowers.com | 1,000,000 USD | 2003-02-01 | Private |
Will this be the next 7 figure sale?
Snoopy says
“Will it be the next 7 figure eKeyword sale?”
Not a chance. It is not an actual product or service unlike ebike and the -ing ending reduces value very significantly.
Ronald Smith says
Why not? banking is much bigger than bikes or flowers. Evey bank I have been a customer at calls their online product, ebanking.
Snoopy says
The product is a bank account, online access is assumed.
No bank brands around a generic term anyway, wouldn’t matter if it was bankaccount.com or banking.com, name is going to be very hard to get enduser interest in 2021.
Squarely says
I have never gone inside of a physical bank for ……10+yrs when you can do most of the banking online now esp deposit checks via app.
I only carry 20$ cash in my wallet just in case and have been in my wallet for 2 yrs.
Pay everything via credit card so I can get cash back. I pay everything online and gets $200 cash back every month….love it!!! my bank gives me 3% cash back for any transactions and sometimes I get a bonus.
wuhuhu says
Its a 7-fig name as fintech/crypto is booming like never before and ‘e’ prefix makes sense now than ever before.
Min. $1,000,000 name (end-user)
amplify says
Sold for less than I thought, but believe this is a dated term by 10 to 20 years. I would say that a company is out of touch with their audience if they’re using the e- prefix.
steve says
It’s a nice name, but ebike, ecar are different than ebanking with e signifying electric not electronic.
ebanking and onlinebanking prob have similar values.
ebike, ecar are far more valuable than onlinebike, onlinecar
esports, ebet, ewager, ecasino (gaining greater adoption) are exceptions with electric signifier…per value, although onlinecasino domains are more valuable than ecasino domains for now… prob will change with online gambling gaining greatest access per smartphones, tablets
I do believe ebanking.com is a 6 figure name, but maybe more if Ethereum decides to buy it.