.Sc is the country code (ccTLD) for Seychelles. In the past it was also marketed to residents of Scotland and South Carolina. Probably the most famous .sc domain in the domain industry is Whois.sc. In 2006 they changed their name to a name you probably know, “DomainTools.com.”
Namebio only has 63 recorded sales, I had one way back when Football.sc, I sold it for 300 Euro back in 2006 at Sedo.
The most popular keywords that are some of the most valuable do not sell for a lot in .sc. Sex, Crypto, Cloud, Casino, Porn and a whole lot more have sold for peanuts. Cloud for example is a monster keyword and it was sold for a loss in 2020 at $405 after selling for $1,010 just two years earlier. Crypto fetched a measly $332. Casino was sold for a loss, one of thee best keywords sales wise of all time, sold for a loss.
But there is a new high sale for .sc, it is B.sc going for $10,755. It is the only reported 5 figure .SC transaction. It expired at Dynadot, I suppose it could get renewed.
DTR Alex says
Thanks for letting us know about B.sc domain name that is going for sale for 5 figure price. However, I do not see good popularity of this cc TLD but I assume that these one-char and two-char .sc have good value. Of course, popular one word can sell at good prices as well.