For a lot of domain investors a short, generic, one word .io is something they are looking to buy. On top of that we have seen companies move from .com to .io.
Back at the end of February announced that at some point in 2020 they would be moving to
Well they are now The post on their website gave the following reasons:
.io domains
There are two major problems with .io domains:
- The first is that the islands which should own the domain suffix, don’t, thanks to a wonderful piece of modern day British Imperialism. If you ever feel the need to donate to us, please give it to a more worthy cause.
- Secondly, there was a security issue with the .io domain. In 2017, a researcher managed to take control of four of the seven authoritative name servers for the .io domain. We accept that mistakes can happen, strong processes limit the chances of them happening, but they still can.
I would say if they want to sell the name there would certainly be some domain investors that would be interested at the right price.
They probably need to use the redirect for awhile til everyone is familiar with the change. Buy maybe one day.
I will buy take it, great name. How much do you think they would sell it for?
I really don’t think they would do a rebrand due to external factors like that. Most likely people were totally confused by their web address and the 500k for was probably too high to ever be doable for a small company.
They’ll have less problems on a .net but security and confusion issues will still be there to some extent.