T.R.A.F.F.I.C. from a Newbie’s Eyes
Well, the conference hasn’t really even started yet, yet I’ve already met and chatted with dozens of the players, received some tremendous advice, struck up some new relationships and developed some business relationships. Also landed a potential advertiser for one of my developed websites for the next couple of months. Having a chance to sit and chat with Frank Schilling for 15 minutes during a special invite dinner last night from Domain Name Sales, was worth the price of admission alone!
One thing I’ve heard about T.R.A.F.F.I.C. before coming here for the first time is that everybody is very friendly and ready to share with you what they know. That is really an understatement. Rick and Howard, and their wonderful spouses, Barbara and Alina, were very welcoming upon arrival and made efforts to make sure that I met some of the industry giants with personal introductions. The Cabana networking event and poolside networking was really an awesome kicked-back environment that was totally worthwhile. Domainers have come from all over the world including Australia, New Zealand, Norway and coast to coast from the US. I’ve gathered many cards and have given out even more.
At registration, we were greeted by the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Cops who immediately aprehended me and demanded a picture.
After two days of poolside networking, I attended the newbie orientation, which provided an awesome summary of highlights from the first 25 TRAFFIC conferences held so far. Tomato soup and grilled cheese is a staple of that event and according to Rick, it’s served as a reminder of humble beginnings and where we have all came from. Orientation was followed with a really fun kickoff cocktail party hosted by Rick and Howard, another tremendous networking opportunity that I took full advantage of by strategically and meeting with folks that I knew I could learn from.
From the cocktail party, Domain Name Sales clients were escorted to a limo bus by a dazzling array of beautiful models. A short bus ride to S3 restaurant at the Hilton lead to a fabulous evening hosted by Frank Schilling. At this event, he shared some statements with the group regarding things to come and took the time to meet and greet everybody who attended. We were lucky enough to have him sit with us to try some of the amazing eclectic sushi cuisine being served, along with a full open bar. No matter what you think of the new gTLDs, Frank’s obviously a visionary and talking with him certainly gets you revved up!
Looking forward to the sessions today, as well as the live auction later today. I’ve got three names in there and my fingers are crossed for some nice sales! Follow me on Twitter and get updates from the live auction, as I’ll be tweeting away!
Vincent L. Jacques is the owner of Vins Domains, you can also follow him on Twitter.
I’m glad you are having a great time! I LOVE tomato soup and grilled cheese. By the way, your smile is waaay bigger for those cops than for Frank Schilling. 🙂