By: RH
The third part of the epic battle between Dot Com and Dot Co
If you have not checked out the first two episodes just click videos and scroll down.
This time Dot Co has something else up his sleeve. There is also something in it for you the viewer.
In the video Dot Com tells Dot Co he has one asset, the first two people to put the right answer in the comments will win their choice of a free .com or .co registration at
I will contact you by email, you will state the name you want and it will be regged and then pushed to your account. You must provide account code.
Troy says
Lori Ann Wardi
Cloud Domains says
Richard says
Lori Anne Wardi is the answer. funny video
Jonathon says
ehh it was ok. not your best work
Ben says
Thought it was a bit long, it was a bit complicated for these types of funny clips. That being said I did like the story line. you mentioned a lot of issues in the new tld drama. I did laugh out loud at the spiderman line. Cheers
Richard says
I have received my name thank you.
Dailydomaining says
That was great.
Troy says
All you other commeters were too slow. As the first to identify Lori Ann Wardi I am the winner of one bright, shiny, new domain, courtesy of