We live in a star crazed world, people around the world are infatuated with all kinds of celebrities. They are both big business and big interest. In domaining some delve into these domains and others stay far away.
Its like flipping a coin, heads you win and make a sale, tails you lose and its a UDRP.
Fusible wrote about a story today about iconic Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder. A complaint (WIPO Case Number: D2012-0035) was filed this week with the World Intellectual Property Organization over the domain name.
Now Ron Jackson included a nice story in his weekly sales report at DN Journal:
In a private transaction, Matt Field sold OliverStone.com for $6,000 and yes, the buyer was the famous movie director. Matt said he also received a signed script from the upcoming movie Savages from the celebrity buyer. One day, that could be worth more than the 6K he got for the domain.
Taken from that article:
Several months had passed and I checked out the domain name, CristianoRonaldo.com. It was listed for sale at 1500 pounds, a price I could not justify paying given my salary. I called my mother, desperately seeking a backer, and she agreed to lend me 1,000 pounds from her credit card. I called the seller, and eventually convinced him to part with the domain for 1,000 pounds.
I knew quickly I had struck gold. I put a website up and it made around $20 a day from its Google ads. I discussed this with a friend on DNforum.com, the now owner of Bodis.com, Matt Wegrzyn, and he agreed to buy it from me for $11,000.
In that case the owner of the domain wanted some memorabilia for the domain. Matt Field got $6000 plus a script, this guy lost the name and no football tickets.
KateMiddleton.com in a story we did was sold for $2350.
Celebrity domains continue to be a coin flip and when there is money and memorabilia to be had, some are going to take the chance and hope for heads.
Very cool article… Thank you
I’m a bit surprised that Oliver Stone was willing to pay for his name.com, plus a signed script. $6000 I’m sure isn’t much to him, but still many celebrities go the legal route probably just for the principle of it.
It would be interesting to know the details of that sale, and how it was negotiated.
Good article,its amazing how some pay for the name and others go another route.
Bad idea people. If you don’t got the money, don’t play the game.
i have taylorswift.me after reading this i am not using the domain at all